Learn simple Morse code in a minute

Learn Morse code

Morse code (also known as Morse code, Morse code) is a signaling code that appears and disappears, and it is expressed by putting different letters, numbers and punctuation marks in different orders. Its code consists of five types: dots, crosses, pauses between dots and crosses, short pauses between each character, medium pauses between each word, and long pauses between sentences. The short dot signal "-" is read as "drop" (Di), and the long signal "-" held for a certain amount of time is read as "Ta" (Da). Interval time is: drop, 1t; ta, 3t; drop between, 1t; between characters, 3t; between words, 7t. The above is the composition of the Morse code rules, you only need to remember the Arabic numerals 1 ~ 10 and 26 letters composed of Morse code, can be used for the most basic Morse code application la, sounds simple, in fact, to accurately remember the 10 numbers and 26 letters of a total of 36 codes. It sounds simple, but it's not that difficult to memorize the 10 numbers and 26 letters of the code, which make up 36 codes. It is not that difficult to memorize these 36 codes, but it is not that easy to do it for years and years.

So what is the use of Morse code? Maybe you have heard of children cheating in the exam by learning Morse code, especially for multiple choice and fill in the blank questions, as long as there is a person between 2 people know the answer, and they know Morse code, then even if they take the exam seat is far away from each other, but also through the Morse code to communicate, other people don't know the answer, maybe even the invigilator also don't know. Of course, this is not to tell people to cheat through Morse code, but to show that Morse code is actually very easy to learn, elementary school students can also easily learn, and sometimes can send distress signals through Morse code.

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